Friday, November 15, 2013

Christian rapture and tribulation.

Welcome to another one of those tales better than a "Grimm's Fairytale".
In the world of Christianity there is this belief in "Tribulation and Rapture".  In this blog post I am going to say that No Christian physically alive is going to Escape the "Devils Tribulation".  By being raptured.or whooshed away just when events on Earth are getting real scary.

Let me preface by going to the KJV bible and referencing John chapter 1.  Seriously just read the whole chapter.  Here "In the beginning..." starts a most interesting reading. Pay attention to references to "the Word",  Elias, Jesus Christ, Messias.

Back already, good.  Lets get going.  In Matthew 24 Jesus Immanuel the Christ of GOD is teaching his disciples about latter days, our days , I think YES. Jesus is talking about famines, wars, earthquakes in divers places, not diverse places.  The King James Bible was written in "The Queens English".  A big reason for revised standard, the Living 'Bible' etc. is  because we as a people have become a little dimmer in intellect than those before us.  Since 1990's a lot of children have been born with far more formidable brain power than the generations before. (Gratuitous Egress from Subject),  Now lets get back on track.

FYI; When Earthquakes happen in the Oceans and volcanoes erupt, they create typhoons.  Which are a lot like hurricanes in effect.  Earthquakes on land are just that.  The Earth gets shaken up a little or a lot.  Back to Matthew chapter 24 (read the whole thing) Jesus talks about a lot of things.  Verse 15 says "When ye therefore see "The Abomination of Desolation" , spoken of by Daniel the prophet in the book of
Daniel chapter 9 vs 27,  11 vs 31, 12 vs 11.  Make no mistake Jesus said when "ye shall hear" in todays language You Shall Hear.  Christians you can't do this unless YOU ARE HERE!  That should leave you feeling all warm and cozy.  It does have me trembling and fearful.  Here is the rub  Jesus (watch closely)
Jesus said "but pray ye that your flight be not in winter, neither on the Sabbath day: (21) For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, (here comes the BOOM!),
NO,NOR EVER SHALL BE, Don't you love this Jesus guy.  but wait Jesus is not done yet. (22) And except those days be shortened (they did not go away), there should no flesh be saved. ' Flesh' by the way refers to' physical bodies' .

 So see Christians have to go through some stuff.  This walk with GOD is not all butterflies and flowers.  All through out the Holy Bible there is talk about gold being refined by fire.  So if you want to believe that "The Church" is raptured before "the Abomination That Maketh  Desolate is Set Up in The Holy Place" you might learn different.  After all GOD requires a Higher Sacrifice.  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Look Good Naked, end of 1st month

With consistent effort it seems the body responds to training stimulus. Not everyone may want to be 
a bodybuilder (I am), but everyone likes to be rewarded for their work.
Whether you are working for a living or running a business.  These shot are at a bodyweight of 288 LBS.
Nothing to brag about by bodybuilding standards but worthy of notice nonetheless.
So lets talk about this for awhile.  
Photo's like these are taken with either a smart phone or other digital device.  
Some time ago I said throw away your scales and use your mirror as your new best friend.  
So now lets add to your arsenal of helps, a photographic record of where you are , A notebook you use to journal your self improvement goals.  Then start keeping a record of exercises you have done.  
Initially what I did too,is since I want to be a bodybuilder, I started reading magazines.  This way I saw 
motivational representations of what I would like to like like.  As well as you learn a lot about  nutrition.
Still whether your checking out 'Cosmo', 'Seventeen", or even other magazines like "Good Housekeeping" You will find things you can use to benefit your own 'Self Improvement"program.

Here is something else to quality gym time were you are sweating does a lot for you.
It reduces blood pressure, helps you lose weight, tones muscles, improves self confidence, and may result in less medical expense too.
If you have not started, grab a notebook, move your body work to write you chapter in "Look Good Naked"
Next blog entry I need some request.  I want to go ahead and high light an exercise session or two.
Here is to you, while waiting for the next post, go get some good gym time.