Thursday, August 14, 2014

Look Good Naked, Over 50.

So you see yourself and say, I want a better body.

Nature has a sense of humor. As humans we have unlimited potential to store fat, whether we want to or not.  As older men, we have way less Testosterone Cholstera then we did as younger "Stud Muffins."..
The good newsisit usually takesa long time and poor lifestyle choices to get really overweight.  Whats worse as an older man it takes a lot longer to lose the belly.  There ishelp to be had.  Now my disclaimer:  These post are for informational and educational purposes.  They are not meant to take the place of a licensed  physicians or "nutritionist" advice.

The top picture is were I was a few years ago, the bottom picture is where I am at today.  Let me tell you I am in my 50's and I am still awork under progress.  Initially I went to the local sports nutrition store and I bought a weight loss VPX Red line.  It does have caffeine soo if you drink coffee tooyour older then drink de-caff unlesss you havea high caffeine tolerance.  the most effective fatburner I ever  used was BPI's roxylean. Seriously read the label do not exceed maxium dosage.  I also started exercising I started jogging okay walking first then eventually jogging.  Using a treadmill at the local gym, where the trak moves under you does not much for the hamstrings. This and bicycling.  All together bodybuilding, jogging, bicycling and It was not long before 10 lbs of fat melted away.  By time I reduced using fatburners My bodyweightwent from a high of 297# to 276#.  As far as how I look today my weight is at 284#.
   Prior to this I trieda diet program called formu-fast.  Long story short since I didn't meet my aggressive weight loss go, They penalized me some $297.00  I won't ever do that again.
I'll continue this blog in another entry. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Druids Keep (C)

This is a survey for "Druids Keep" (C).
Druids Keepis to be a New Age bookstore with"Wyvrns Cache"  A selection of herbs to be used in cooking and magic practice.  As well as a gaming center for Role Playing Game practitioners.   UNless the city of Nash has a problem the prospective site is on Kings Highway a couple of miles west of the Texas side Walmart.
In order to pay the bills I am thinking of installing a variety of vending machines for hot and cold beverages as well as lunch items.  Also in order to provide Wi-Fi for online gamers I may have charge an annual access fee much like a bookstore membership card.
This site is designed to allow anyone to post content.  Including survey results. As well as "Good News" stories. Like recipes, suggestions for family night events. I am aking for your content to be posted.
The following survey questions are meant for people live in the Texarkana USA Metro area.
The prospective location forthe first "Druids Keep".

Would you like to have a "New Age" Bookstore?

If vending machines were provided for your usage, would you use them?

To pay for Wi-Fi access would you buy an annual access card?

For how much? $50,  $40,  $30...  Other amounts?

The initial site is convenient to public transit, is this important to you?

If things like the "Stang Ceremony" were held, would you participate?

For the purpose of ritual and ceremony's what days or nights would be most convenient for your participation?

Below is the link to send your survey results too. You can post on this blog site as well.