Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Look good naked, 2015 Update 50 and older.

 New Season new installment.
The next thing I want to talk about is fighting theaging process. Currently I am weighing at about 290# When I started this seriesI was at 276#.  Funny thing is I had more fat then.. When you start growing older your body changes again. If yourlike me your the last generation called baby boomers.

We are living longer.  So change is going to happen.
When Iwas in my 30's I had been exercising for about 12 years.  This is me all natural no pharmeceuticals.

What about you.  I am the classic hard gainer.  Every ounce of muscle is hard to come by.  Losing fat, this is the weird part, to lose fat I have actually had to eat more.  The idea of losing weight by cutting calories is
only half right.                                                                                                                                                        
 The other half is that you keep yourself in a calorie deficient state for a long time, your body is going to retain fatat the expense of losing general health.  It is better to eat small meals more often than to eat really big meals onceor twice today. What if you like myself.  You can't eat really good all of thetime because you just don'thave the money.  Their is a weight management technique called "Pulsing."
For instance you get your monthly retirement benefit or your bimonthly paycheck.
What you can do once a week, if available,go to a buffet
and really eat a lot. One plate at a time, it is a buffett but eat what you get.  Don't leave a plate of food uneaten. It shouldn't once every weekor two. Lets get back to reaching 50 and beyond.  Men and Women do not be afraid to join a gym and lift those weights too.  About aerobics before weight training, afterward, not such a good idea.   Here is another thing, As we grow older and nature starts to fight us, frequency of exercise is important.  Back when you where in your 30's if you miss a or two of exercise you lost a little of your endurance and strength.  Now in your 50's not a good idea.  It seems if you stop your activity 'cross fit', 'bodybuildin', whatever, for over 3 days in a row,   Nature says hey you don't need that muscle or endurance after all.  So let's just take away those physical improvements..   For now "Nuff Said"  your friend and I hope future US President,  Steven Childs. Let's all "Look Good Naked."