Thursday, September 5, 2013


Since I am still up I might as well update.
First There was Afghanistan.  The US was smart, instead of running in there guns ablazing, the better decision was made to work in smaller teams with the Tribes and their Elders.  This saved our kids millions of dollars in debt and more importantly, minimized our American casualties.  Not to mention helped America's public image.

The reason why America has to be a global police force is called "The value of the dollar".
If you do not believe this is important look at currency devaluations, especially when 33 gallon barrels of crude oil were costing us $165.00 each.  China helped stabilize our dollar, so for you haters, really look at what is happening in our "Global Village".

Back on topic, After Afghanistan the next thing was this crazy ass North Korean wanting to bite someone like a 'Chihuahua'.  I do care that China is an ally and silent partner in North Korea's quest to become a nuclear super power but for now this "Situation of Non-disclosure" is stable.  Again in part due to our reputation as a "Global Force for Good" (I love this Naval campaign).

Now the focus is on Syria and Syria's governments decision to kill its own people.  Actually this is nothing shocking, Saddam Hussein killed potentially million to build his power base as well as many other "Dictators and War Lords.  

As humans we have a lot of upside potential.  Now about this Syrian thing.  I am going to reference a bblical verse from the KJV Bible.  No matter your religious affiliation or lack there of there proof of Divine intervention everywhere.   So why is there "NO PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST".  You have to look at
Judges Chapter 2 Verse 3...
If your to lazy or unwilling to read the context, I'll help out.  This is an Angel of GOD speaking to a prophet.

After this bitty about Egypt we come to Judges 2vs. 3 "Wherefore I also said, I WILL NOT drive them out before you:  but they shall be as "Thorns in Your Sides", and their gods shall be a snare unto you."

This statement also takes care of the "silliness" about Pau'ls "Thorn in the Flesh" (other people..duh).
As well as emphasizing that in this Current Syrian Conflict, ISRAEL IS TO TAKE THE LEAD.  As ISRAEL'S ally, the USA can help out.  This should make the extremely wealthy "Vladmir Putnam" happy since then an Israelian-Syrian conflict Would not be a USA declaration of war.  Seriously China and Russia like the current "balance of power" thing.

Let Israel take the lead, they have been fighting everyone around them for over 2000 years, and Israels army is one of the best in the world.  2000+ tears is an awful lot of experience.

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