Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Look Good Naked; Intermittment Fasting

 Welcome to the latest edition of Look Good  Naked.
At this point I am somewhere around 302#. My friend at the bottom is 178#.  The thing is I want to compete in an upcoming bodybuilding show. About May of 2016.  My friend we can call him 'J' may do the same.  To come in competition ready 'J' is intent on adding about 20 pounds.  Myself I would love to maintain my weight but a lot of extra fat isn't good for utilizing Testosterone Cholesterol.  By the way in my 50's now my body keeps making changes.  Due to consistent and intense bodybuilding protocal , I use my test levels are okay.  Otherwise I would be a 300# Jelly Roll.

So What we are doing here is looking at IF or intermittment Fasting ways of eating.  Two common elements in this type of strategy are low or 'NO' calorie time periods, followed by periods of caloric consumption.  What I find appealing about this plan is that instead of eating all ofthe time, I mayeat less often so I do not stress over missing meals.

 these lower picture are myself at 284# The top most pictures are myself a 302#.  With this  'IF' plan the goal is to keep the muscle and lose the fat in about 16 weeks.  16 weeks is a long time to safely experiment with these protocols and tune the one that works bestfor myself.  'J'is a training partner of mine.  Our ages and body types are different.  Lets see what works.  By the way I hope you are getting as much good out of this series, as I am sharing with you.  I am cheering for you too.

Both you and I desire to look our best.  a word about my current dietary practice.  I am not exact but I think for the last year or so I have adopted a highfat, high protein and moderate carbohydrate diet. Something like 35% fats, 30% proteins, and 35% carbohydrates.  Being older (50's) frequency of exercise is more important than how much weight I lift.

Monday, October 12, 2015

The 4th Horseman

In the Holy Bible the book of revelations is called the Apochriphy.  Tells about foretold events.  People could argue that all of the events have taken place, except for the raprture of "The Bride of Christ."  The Church of Latter Day Saints, Jehovah's Witness, The Baptist, The Methodist, The Pentecostals.  All of these church "Denominations" saythey have a handle on things.  All say this is how you get to Heaven.  Then there are churches, institutions of the "Left Hand Path." Could Muslism bea left hand path.  The Muslims Mahdi is their savior but the Christians Anti-Christ.  One thing for sure parallels the 4th horseman of the apocalypse, that is the rise of Islam. So lets visit this text.

Revelations 6  starting at verse 6;  And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beast say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of Barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
(Here I think the 'oil' refers to the Old Testament oil used to anoint priest and kings.  I think the'wine' refers to the "New Wine "of the  New Covenant Jesus Immanuel the Christ of God established with his "perfect sacrifice.")

vs( 7): And when he had opened the fourth seal, (4th), I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
vs(8):  And I looked and behold a pale horse;  (pale green),  and his name that sat onhim was Death, and Hell followed with him.  And power was given unto them over the foruth part of the Earth, to kill with sword, (organized armies), and with hunger (drought and famine are usually  connected), and with death, (ISIL, Al Quida, War lords etc.), and with the beast of the Earth. (Lions, Tigers, Bears etc)

As an environmentalist I can play with this.  Increase global temperatures by a few degrees then all kind of hings happen.  Longer hotter summers, shorter maner winters . People and animals die because of storms and drought. Trees burn down, deer lose their homes and predators get hungry.  We become todays entree.  What aboutthe fear that God put in the animals after the flood.  Well today we routinely encroach on wildlife habitat and they still need a place to live, fear is replaced by tolerance,then curosity, and next thing you know raccoons,squirrels, geese, and what not are now your new neighbors.  Didn't I mentinon that insects staya round longer too. Yeah, West NIle virus, Swine Flu's, etc.insects are the carriers and they have to eat too!.

So of all of the Horseman, the 4th one is my biggest concern.  We will see where all of this leads too.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Looking Good Naked, new milestones.

2015 is almost gone,  Myself I have grown from a solid 224#  to a solid 297#.   Now the next part isworking to maintgain weightwhilelosing fat.  In some cases your local sports supplement store has rthe help you need.   In my 50's one of my concerns is keeping my testosterone levels up.  Actually this is accomplishd by heavy resistance training and a little help from dietary practices.  Currently I am at about 20% fat.  5%of our bodyfat is not the stuff we are wanting to lose.  5% of our bodyfat isnthat tissue that keeps our organs in place.
     Here is something else I started looking at.  In the condition called 'edema', manypeople look like they are super fat with rolls  hanging off of their ankes and such.  The dumb thing is doctors give you water pills or diuretics to urine a lot more.  Does not work too well.  The reason is because even when we breathe part of cellular respiration is waste generation.  Here is the weird part.  WShen we breathe one of the waste products is 'water'.  Seriously with 'edema'  better known as 'fluid retention', when the cause is not blunt trauma.  (auto accidents, falls and such where the response is swelling).  Then the cause is the bodies failure to use enzymes and electrolytes to manage fluids.  I am not a doctor but I am thinking that eliminating drinking fluids is not going to help.  Maybe electrolyte replenishment is a better idea.  I need more work on this.
     Now is time to makea newstart to your fitness program.  If it is still working, keep it up.  As for myself myregime needs some modifications now.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Look Good Naked, the next chapter

So 2015 is almost done.
Have you kept a food journal and have you been using a journal to put in all of your accomplishments?

You have 1 body so lets make the best of it.
Supplements are a good idea for us aging Americans.  My go too supplements are a protein blend ,(Matrix, is a good one.), I like having vegetable juice on handto for drinking since this is the most convenient way to get my veggies.
Also a pre-trainer would be good.  These things work.  If caffeine is an issue readyour labels.  150mg of caffeine is what you get in a good cup of coffee.
Now as we grow older,flexibility becomes an issue.  This is something I'll cover in a future post as well as some good stetches you can do.  Weight management isn't just about aerobics, as I had said before, muscle is a more metabolically active tissue (burns more calories), than bodyfat.  So put some  muscle on your frame.
This is myself at 284 a good weight for upping my slow metabolic rate.
Many of us though are happy to be in our 100's.  This is okay.  In attractive young lady in Golds gym in Kansas City, MO wore a t-shirt that said "Strong is thenew skinny>"  This woman epitomizes this in that she is a tight 140# and looks smaller.  I talked toher and she said the advantage of being so tight is that she does not go hungry. Actually she eats very well and still looks slender more so than muscular.  When she moves, you can easily seee her muscle bellies in action.   So ladies and guys, in the quest to "look Good Naked." don not neglect to work your muscle hard.  Youwill feel, look, and be better because of the work done.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Steven Childs for President 2016-2024, next

 These are some pictures from my recent road trip.
Like my FB page; https://www.facebook.com/slchilds100?ref-hl

I am campaigning as a Libertarian for the office of the 45th President of the USA.  Since my background is working poor, and well educated, I may be the best person for this job for the next 8 years.

Planks in my platform include fresh water, food, and energy security.  I am a big supporter of trade but dependancy on another country for our food and fuel IS NOT, a good thing.  So I want to put some 2,000,000 + federal workesr to work solving our problems and ensuring our future,  As for Congress and the Senate  I want them to go from law writng to problem solving.  Even getting rid of mammoth amounts of legislation.   Many laws are not needed.  Our courts have too many cases totry, the VA is too small for the demand of medical services from our former military members.  There are solutions for all of these things..  

Monday, April 6, 2015

Bob and Sue American, "The Rest of The Story."

 The housing bubble bust. Forget bubbles let's talk about real people.

 "Really Right Home Construction" built I nice brick home with a 2 car garage for $50,000 in labor and materials.  This is the houses actual value. Tom's real estate was asked to sell really rights home for $75,000.  Since other homes cost about the same.  Bob and Sue American both had jobs with 'Daddy Warbuck's factory.'
At the time 'Daddy Warbucks  factory' was privately owned.  So after 5 years, Bob and Sue bought a home.  Tom's Real Estate had a nice home for sale for $75,000 Dollars built by Really Right Home Construction.  Now to buy this home they went and aplied for a loan at Small Budgets Bank.  They were approved for a 30 year mortage at only $500.00 per month.  for 360 months at $500 per month they would spend $180,000 for their $75,000 home. So they kept paying the mortage. 20 years later Daddy Warbuck's factory was sold to big corporation for lot of money,  This allowed Daddy Warbuck's to retire. Big corporation saw that if they were to automate the factory they could make more stuff and save money on labor.  In the meantime "SmallBudgets Bank" became  "Big Budgets Bank."  One of their board members owned shares in "Big Corporation."  Big Corporation decided to automate their factory and and rebuild it overseas, inorder to increase share holder value.  Bob and Sue got pink slipped instead of rertired. Saving "Big Corporation" lots of money.  so now Bob and Sue hadlost their jobs in 2002.  They had been making their home payments of $500.  for the last 20 years, having put $120,000 into the purchase of their $75,000 home that had cost $50,000 to build.  And then "Big Budgets Bank" foreclosed on their home saying that they shouldn't have gotten a mortage they couldn't afford.  This is what happened to 10's of 1000's of Americans.  That is "The Rest of The Story."

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Look good naked, 2015 Update 50 and older.

 New Season new installment.
The next thing I want to talk about is fighting theaging process. Currently I am weighing at about 290# When I started this seriesI was at 276#.  Funny thing is I had more fat then.. When you start growing older your body changes again. If yourlike me your the last generation called baby boomers.

We are living longer.  So change is going to happen.
When Iwas in my 30's I had been exercising for about 12 years.  This is me all natural no pharmeceuticals.

What about you.  I am the classic hard gainer.  Every ounce of muscle is hard to come by.  Losing fat, this is the weird part, to lose fat I have actually had to eat more.  The idea of losing weight by cutting calories is
only half right.                                                                                                                                                        
 The other half is that you keep yourself in a calorie deficient state for a long time, your body is going to retain fatat the expense of losing general health.  It is better to eat small meals more often than to eat really big meals onceor twice today. What if you like myself.  You can't eat really good all of thetime because you just don'thave the money.  Their is a weight management technique called "Pulsing."
For instance you get your monthly retirement benefit or your bimonthly paycheck.
What you can do once a week, if available,go to a buffet
and really eat a lot. One plate at a time, it is a buffett but eat what you get.  Don't leave a plate of food uneaten. It shouldn't once every weekor two. Lets get back to reaching 50 and beyond.  Men and Women do not be afraid to join a gym and lift those weights too.  About aerobics before weight training, afterward, not such a good idea.   Here is another thing, As we grow older and nature starts to fight us, frequency of exercise is important.  Back when you where in your 30's if you miss a or two of exercise you lost a little of your endurance and strength.  Now in your 50's not a good idea.  It seems if you stop your activity 'cross fit', 'bodybuildin', whatever, for over 3 days in a row,   Nature says hey you don't need that muscle or endurance after all.  So let's just take away those physical improvements..   For now "Nuff Said"  your friend and I hope future US President,  Steven Childs. Let's all "Look Good Naked."

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Boko Haramand and Islamic Caliphate

Like my Facebook page; Steven Childs for president 2016-2024.

Boko Haram has been getting a lot of press lately.  As an Islamic extremist group,  Boko Haram started out peacefully enough in 2002. Being led by the Islamic Cleric Mohammed Yusuf.  (Wikipedia) Due to economic oppression in an oppressive government.  Boko Haram was able to recruit more members in Nigeria Africa. They really did not make a lot of noise until after being schooled by AQIM. Now known Al-Qaeda.
Part of the fuel that fed Boko Haram is the continued corruption and inhumane atrocities commited by Nigeria's more or less "police State" type of government.
For along time now  Nigeria's police officers have been practicing things like 
"extrajudicial killing".  Also known as executions without trial of (usually poor), 
prisoners.  In a (Huffinpost)   report, even though Nigerias annual miltary budget is about $5,000,000,000 a year the enlisted  soldiers are usually issued 30 bullets.  It seems that their  officers also take part of the soldiers pay and keep it forthemselves. 
This is the government that Boko Haram was born into.  The current leadership of Boko Haram is 'Abubaher Shekau.'  My question is: If Boko Haram succeeds in establishing an Islamic Caliphate form of government, will the soldiers be debriefed and given other opportunities to grow as Humans, such as become farmers and fisherman or would Nigerians be forced to live under another oppressive and lethal government?  Don't forget "ebola is still alive and well  in Nigeria too according to the United Nations Refuge RelocationService.