Thursday, November 29, 2012

Look good naked, exercise solution

While it is time to make an update.  I like a well toned body.  Muscle is a more metabolically active tissue than fat.  Not to mention a well toned body is a more slender and appealing body.  Now it is time to seek out a fitness center or gym.  The first visit ought to llead to a complimentary pass for a few days.  The best exercises for building muscle and burning fat are hands down the squat and the 45% leg press.  This is since legs that are used a lot burn a lot of calories.  If you happen to be in a wheel chair go for the manual variety.  If you can only use your upper body for burning calories then use your upper body.  Even if you cannot physically use your legs you can use your arms to facilitate transfers.  Transfers to a machine for some upper body exercise. 

If you can use all of your appendages (arms and legs) then we can get started.  The first exercise are mentioned above.  Using your legs will burn calories.  Using your legs to the point of fatigue is also beneficial for your bodies hormone levels and a great de-stressor.

Next on the list is the bench press or chest press.  Then there is the lat pulldown and the pull up.

See how easy this is.  Squats, Bench Presses, Wide Grip Chins or Pulldowns.  You have successfully worked your body. 

So start with these 3 and try lots of other things out.  Women do not worry about looking like a man.  This would take a lot more time and effoert than what I gave you.  Everyone can benefit by having a stronger body.

If you like the gym and want a good beginners work out I can help there too!
First some gym speak.
Exercise is what you do.   Reps is how many times you move a weight.  Sets is how many times you do the reps.  So 3 sets of 12 reps means that you are to complete a given exercise for 12 reps...3 times.

If this is TMI we can get through this.

Join a gym and try everything out.  Make it a game of sorts.
Bench Press
Lat Pulldowns
Shoulder Presses                                      all exercise for 4 sets of 10 reps. 

See how easy this is.  If your hungry refer to the nutrition entry on this blog.