Thursday, December 26, 2013

Space the next industry

This post maybe could have gone to,.

The space program is becoming a corporate run business.  Instead of putting man on Mars maybe we should start with a lunar outpost.  An industrial out post used to produce things like super conductive materials that may be grown as opposed to built.  It is a thought.  What about extraction of ores?  This could be done but today I am not open to celestial models of planetary spin and gravitational interactions.  Fortunately other people are.  The question then becomes how much can we take before causing problems.  I like the idea of
capturing asteroids.  If we can pull this off then building a transcontinental Mag-Lev train here in the US would be easy and cost effective.  The cool thing is that newer materials have been found that go into a super conductive state at higher temperatures than ever before.  Here is the next view. If humanity were to expand to the stars then we would need to start with an industrial base on the moon.  Here we can train people heading out to space.  At this time though I am inclined to believe that ET will make themselves known to us.  Probably part of some federation of inhabited planets.  Now if their is no other life but humanity that can make it to the stars.  Then I would see it as our duty to colonize other planets.  

When I think of manufacturing on the moon, I think of metamaterials being developed that can absorb a great amount radioactive spectrum and use these energies to power our space going craft.  I can see it happening with Virgin space and other companies ferrying humans from Earth to the Moon to work and live on lunar outpost. The thing what I am talking about is being pursued now today here on Planet Earth.  Later I'll have a new post for concepte-3's blogspot.  I think it time to engineer a planetary drive system that works. Basically an interstellar spacecraft that works for the long term.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Look Good Naked 'December'

Hey, Hey, Hey For those that have been following the 3 month total body transformation, congratulations if you have been putting in the gym time and the writing time now you are seeing improvements.

Awhile back I said throw away the scale and let the mirror be your new friend.
How many of you did this?

Now it is time to bring out the scale as well as your food journal and training journal.  Initially I said hey you want to find your calorie set point.  Weigh yourself today.  For 2 weeks record all of the food and beverages you consumed and record approximate calories consumed.  2 weeks later weigh yourself again.  If you lost weight then every pound lost is 3500 calories burned.  If you gained weight there are two considerations.  It take 3500 calories to gain a pound of fat.  Closer to 5800 calories to gain a pound of muscle.  Muscle being the more metabolically active tissue, and the one you want more of.

Doing this you learned some good stuff.  December is the last month of this initial transformation cycle.  December gives us a bonus week too!

As far as Thanksgiving and Christmas go, eat that food and have fun.

Here are some of my pictures.  I started at about 278# pounds.
Now I am pushing toward 294#.  My muscles have gotten a lot harder too.

This is evidenced by the denser look.  Now lets talk about your next 
tool, "The Tape Measure".
Me ai use this tool but have learned that muscle size increase is a lot slower than strength and density increases.  So I say if your really new like less than 3 months training with weights or whatever take measurements every month.
After a year or more take measurements only once every 2 months or so.

Women have a couple of additional measurements to take.  Ladies with that bra on take two measurement's.  One Use your tape measure (sewing tape)
and measure the circumference of your back with the tape across your nipples.
The second measurement is just under your bra .  This will give you a more accurate chest measurement.

Here are some more measurements to take.  If you want to notice size increase or decrease faster then use CM.  If you happy with American standard than use inches.
To save space I will list measurements to take, later I'll break out my tape
measure and show you the measurements in photos.
record your height and weight.  Wrist circumference and ankle circumference.
Thes measurement will not change soon.
As a guideline if your wrist are 5" or < you have a small bone structure.
If your wrist are 6"-7" than your bone structure is medium.
Which means 7" + you have a big bone structure.
Now measure neck, shoulders, chest (women take 2 measurements as explained),
upper arms , lower arms, wisat at navel height, hips around middle of your 
bottom.  Upper legs are tricky.  
For upper legs you may pick close to top near groin of if you prefer about 1/3 of the way down.  Then of course calves at the biggest part.
Now you no where you are today  Record this information in your training journal and date it.  Enjoy the Christmas holiday, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah or other festive time. For the Pagans and Wiccans this is the time near winter solstice and the time when the god is buried in the womb. 
Later this month or in January I will talk about a concept called "Periodization".

Friday, November 15, 2013

Christian rapture and tribulation.

Welcome to another one of those tales better than a "Grimm's Fairytale".
In the world of Christianity there is this belief in "Tribulation and Rapture".  In this blog post I am going to say that No Christian physically alive is going to Escape the "Devils Tribulation".  By being raptured.or whooshed away just when events on Earth are getting real scary.

Let me preface by going to the KJV bible and referencing John chapter 1.  Seriously just read the whole chapter.  Here "In the beginning..." starts a most interesting reading. Pay attention to references to "the Word",  Elias, Jesus Christ, Messias.

Back already, good.  Lets get going.  In Matthew 24 Jesus Immanuel the Christ of GOD is teaching his disciples about latter days, our days , I think YES. Jesus is talking about famines, wars, earthquakes in divers places, not diverse places.  The King James Bible was written in "The Queens English".  A big reason for revised standard, the Living 'Bible' etc. is  because we as a people have become a little dimmer in intellect than those before us.  Since 1990's a lot of children have been born with far more formidable brain power than the generations before. (Gratuitous Egress from Subject),  Now lets get back on track.

FYI; When Earthquakes happen in the Oceans and volcanoes erupt, they create typhoons.  Which are a lot like hurricanes in effect.  Earthquakes on land are just that.  The Earth gets shaken up a little or a lot.  Back to Matthew chapter 24 (read the whole thing) Jesus talks about a lot of things.  Verse 15 says "When ye therefore see "The Abomination of Desolation" , spoken of by Daniel the prophet in the book of
Daniel chapter 9 vs 27,  11 vs 31, 12 vs 11.  Make no mistake Jesus said when "ye shall hear" in todays language You Shall Hear.  Christians you can't do this unless YOU ARE HERE!  That should leave you feeling all warm and cozy.  It does have me trembling and fearful.  Here is the rub  Jesus (watch closely)
Jesus said "but pray ye that your flight be not in winter, neither on the Sabbath day: (21) For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, (here comes the BOOM!),
NO,NOR EVER SHALL BE, Don't you love this Jesus guy.  but wait Jesus is not done yet. (22) And except those days be shortened (they did not go away), there should no flesh be saved. ' Flesh' by the way refers to' physical bodies' .

 So see Christians have to go through some stuff.  This walk with GOD is not all butterflies and flowers.  All through out the Holy Bible there is talk about gold being refined by fire.  So if you want to believe that "The Church" is raptured before "the Abomination That Maketh  Desolate is Set Up in The Holy Place" you might learn different.  After all GOD requires a Higher Sacrifice.  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Look Good Naked, end of 1st month

With consistent effort it seems the body responds to training stimulus. Not everyone may want to be 
a bodybuilder (I am), but everyone likes to be rewarded for their work.
Whether you are working for a living or running a business.  These shot are at a bodyweight of 288 LBS.
Nothing to brag about by bodybuilding standards but worthy of notice nonetheless.
So lets talk about this for awhile.  
Photo's like these are taken with either a smart phone or other digital device.  
Some time ago I said throw away your scales and use your mirror as your new best friend.  
So now lets add to your arsenal of helps, a photographic record of where you are , A notebook you use to journal your self improvement goals.  Then start keeping a record of exercises you have done.  
Initially what I did too,is since I want to be a bodybuilder, I started reading magazines.  This way I saw 
motivational representations of what I would like to like like.  As well as you learn a lot about  nutrition.
Still whether your checking out 'Cosmo', 'Seventeen", or even other magazines like "Good Housekeeping" You will find things you can use to benefit your own 'Self Improvement"program.

Here is something else to quality gym time were you are sweating does a lot for you.
It reduces blood pressure, helps you lose weight, tones muscles, improves self confidence, and may result in less medical expense too.
If you have not started, grab a notebook, move your body work to write you chapter in "Look Good Naked"
Next blog entry I need some request.  I want to go ahead and high light an exercise session or two.
Here is to you, while waiting for the next post, go get some good gym time.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Staying motivated," Looking Good Naked"

Part of staying motivated is doing things like taking these progress photo's.  This is since pictures do not lie.
Also important is like writing down the exercises you do.
It does not hurt to have a cheering section.  
I have been doing this exercise stuff for a long time.  Currently my weight is 287#+.
Oh yes I am completely natural and drug free as in anabolic steroids are illegal and cost way to much.
There is always the problem of contamination.  I wish anabolics were legal, then the sports nutrition companies would make a better product.

What encourages me is seeing results.  This is why some time ago I said throw away your scales
and make your mirror your best friend.  Add to that your cell phone or other digital camera.
If your new to these blog post great, this means you want to get in better shape.
About our bodies, if you can move it you can train it.  One of the most inspirational women I ever met lived in Austin, Texas.  In 1993 I was there too.  I knocked on this door while looking for odd jobs to do.
The Caucasian women that answered the door was missing her entire left arm.  She looked phenomenal.
I am talking a well toned strong and sexy female maybe in her 40's.
So looking good naked is not about excuses, "Looking Good Naked" is about achieving results.  Best of all no one needs to know but you unless you want to share your insights and enthusiasm. 
Then be bold.  So if you are new to this series of blog entries, buy yourself a notebook and a pen and get started with your transformation too.  I am here to pat you on the back and encourage you.
Let this year and 2014 be your time to "look Good Naked".

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ji what?

I play with the term Jihad a lot.  To me Jihad is an unholy war or alliance for the purpose of creating fear, mistrust, tension.  There are sexual Jihads and military Jihads.  There are people blowing themselves up for their respected  Jihad leaders.   For suicidal bombings I would say YOU FIRST. Since the leaders never blow themselves up, who is lying to who?  Paradise is relative to the part of the world you are from, what we have been taught as children and what we later learn as adults.  My Idea of 'Paradise is not 72 virgins for sexual pleasure.  #1 You would be way to tired to enjoy 72 virgins.  Maybe 2 or 3 and how could they (male or female) be virgins unless no one else wanted to be with them? (This makes me shutter.)

Then again Valhalla offers some rampant gluttony as well as sexual pleasure.  But what about your views, what is your idea of 'paradise'?  

Mine would be different so would a Native Americans view of Paradise as a place to go after we die physically.

I remember a Satanist Priest telling me that heaven would be like church all of the time.  I did not buy.  Neither do I buy the part about being with loved ones as we remembered them.  For one Flesh has no place in the realm of Spirit.  2) I read that we would be changed that this 'corruptible flesh' must put on uncorruptibility .  So this per chance does not have Your pet Skippy running up to meet you either.

So what.  When I die the life in me leaves and bacteria take over and life starts anew.  There is so much talk about "The Other Side".  The other side must be a place where our memories dwell.  

Personally I think when I die that eventually I will again be with our Father in Heaven. Maybe the 'second death' talked about is the loss of the illusion of independence.

Tales from Darkseide, Chips up your butt!

For years I have enjoyed my illusion of freedom here in the USA. Guess what I run into this story that that an RFID chip in the fatty tissue of the buttocks may become a staple.  Especially if your on welfare, get food stamps or are erstwhile supported in part by the Fed. (Social Security, SSI, SSDI).  Of course if you are required to get a chip in your 'arse' .  How much closer can our government get.  There goes anonymity.
Now you won't be able to go to Disneyland without somebody tracking your every move.  I for on do not want this to happen.  Then again I never wanted the "Patriot Act", "Homeland Security", or the $20"+"  I pay every month on my $70 phone bill for stuff like line use taxes.

I am not going to run with that end time prophecy about receiving the "Mark of The Beast".  Lets just say with this chip in your arse, The technology is being 'Beta Tested".

Friday, September 27, 2013

Looking Good Naked, Ice cream

Learn more about the "The Comprehensive Healthcare Act".  That is a mouthful.  For all of you folks that are on medicare, October is the month you chose your healthcare options.  The aforementioned link should help make insurance options easier to deal with.

About my post Here goes nothing last week I started a body transformation contest along with a bodyspace friend called Ksmac.  I contacted folks on my facebook  page looking for cheerleaders and other people to journey along with me. This is it.  Simply put I aspire to be a competitive bodybuilder.  This is because even with contest prep this is a healthy choice.

Bodybuilders not only have to look like "Ubermunchen" they also have to know a lot about many things to get there.  You do not have to be a bodybuilder to 'Look Good Naked" but it doesn't hurt.
I want you reader to join me on this 3 month transformation.  Especially if you are and look overweight.  Did I say that nicely enough.  So you are not alone but can keep your QUEST private, come along you might learn something about YOU!

I am starting at over 200 lbs.  I have a lot of muscle but it is hidden by a lot of fat.  I am not going to focus on "cutting calories"  I am however going to focus on losing fat.  I am goint to have to make another "Food/calorie Journal" too since I am older and again my metabolism is changing.

As you see I have a lot of fat and muscle to reshape in the next 3 months or so.

About ice cream, if you want to eat ice cream get the good stuff with lots of cream and fats.  With good old fashion ice cream heaven, All of the fats and such work to lower the speed at which sugars (carbohydrates)
enter your system.  This means less insulin is needed to digest these carbs.  Insulin is a two edged hormone.  It does help build lean mass but it also help with fat storage.  So if you want some ice cream, go ahead get the good stuff stay away from 'low fat' ice cream.  It taste better too!

Let me mount my podium and lets briefly talk about beer. (one of the four food groups in Germany). Germans are great for "Bier" after all.
Lite Beer is a curse on the American consumer.  Beer is made of water, (no Calories), brewers yeast, barley,hops (which add flavor) and help make alcohol.  Alcohol, no matter what form give you 7 calories per gram or about  196 calories per ounce of alcohol.  In order to make "LITE BEER" the only way to cut calories is to lose the alcohol.  What is the point of buying beer in massive quantities other than to get a "Buzz".  So anytime you buy "Lite Beer" you are paying more money for WATER.

Okay I am done.  But if you spend your hard earned money on "lite Beer", drink water instead.
Some countries the wine is better than the water, SERIOUSLY" Alcohol kills germs on contact.

With love until next time "LOOK GOOD NAKED!"

Friday, September 20, 2013

"Looking Good Naked", 3 month transformation

So this is about a 3 month transformation challenge. Everyone who wants to "Look Good Naked" should jump on board.

Back in the day my PaPa had to walk to school up hill 5 miles both ways.   And getting some fish meant grabbing a pole and some bait.  Today many things are so much easier.  This is why many Americans are soooo very fat.  So i believe everyone from 18-80 years old needs a regular program of diet and exercise.  (Even to digest my typo's Hee-Hee.)

So this is why "Looking Good Naked" is going to be the tool I use to track my progress.  I may be a little modest and a little camera shy, but what the heck!  This is the internet.  You don't have to tell anyone you check out this blog or big brother, 

Stay in touch leave some comments and lets make "The Good News Press" your internet happy place to learn some stuff and share some stuff too!

The first picture is me at 285, the 2nd picture is me at 276.  The bottom picture, I forget my weight.

I encourage everyone to follow this blog and share some with your friends and frenemies too!  Why, because everyone from 18-80 needs a regular program of nutrition and physical activity.  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

looking good naked, bodybuilding

Hello boys and girls, men and women.  This series of articles is for those people who want to look their best and be healthy too.

Bodybuilding is all about sculpting our physiques.  Their are a lot of hyper muscular, strong and veiny bodybuilders out there,  I will soon be one of this elitist group.  Even if you just want a really sexy bod (male or female)  you just can't top the bodybuilding life style. Even "Cross Trainers" have to have the physical ability to move a lot of weight.

If you have been following these post, you have a nutrition and work out journal by now as well as a hottter looking bod then a few months ago.  (nobody needs to know your here at Gateway Ministries Digital edition of "The Good News Press" ISSA #  ?)


Since I am still up I might as well update.
First There was Afghanistan.  The US was smart, instead of running in there guns ablazing, the better decision was made to work in smaller teams with the Tribes and their Elders.  This saved our kids millions of dollars in debt and more importantly, minimized our American casualties.  Not to mention helped America's public image.

The reason why America has to be a global police force is called "The value of the dollar".
If you do not believe this is important look at currency devaluations, especially when 33 gallon barrels of crude oil were costing us $165.00 each.  China helped stabilize our dollar, so for you haters, really look at what is happening in our "Global Village".

Back on topic, After Afghanistan the next thing was this crazy ass North Korean wanting to bite someone like a 'Chihuahua'.  I do care that China is an ally and silent partner in North Korea's quest to become a nuclear super power but for now this "Situation of Non-disclosure" is stable.  Again in part due to our reputation as a "Global Force for Good" (I love this Naval campaign).

Now the focus is on Syria and Syria's governments decision to kill its own people.  Actually this is nothing shocking, Saddam Hussein killed potentially million to build his power base as well as many other "Dictators and War Lords.  

As humans we have a lot of upside potential.  Now about this Syrian thing.  I am going to reference a bblical verse from the KJV Bible.  No matter your religious affiliation or lack there of there proof of Divine intervention everywhere.   So why is there "NO PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST".  You have to look at
Judges Chapter 2 Verse 3...
If your to lazy or unwilling to read the context, I'll help out.  This is an Angel of GOD speaking to a prophet.

After this bitty about Egypt we come to Judges 2vs. 3 "Wherefore I also said, I WILL NOT drive them out before you:  but they shall be as "Thorns in Your Sides", and their gods shall be a snare unto you."

This statement also takes care of the "silliness" about Pau'ls "Thorn in the Flesh" (other people..duh).
As well as emphasizing that in this Current Syrian Conflict, ISRAEL IS TO TAKE THE LEAD.  As ISRAEL'S ally, the USA can help out.  This should make the extremely wealthy "Vladmir Putnam" happy since then an Israelian-Syrian conflict Would not be a USA declaration of war.  Seriously China and Russia like the current "balance of power" thing.

Let Israel take the lead, they have been fighting everyone around them for over 2000 years, and Israels army is one of the best in the world.  2000+ tears is an awful lot of experience.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Instead of Obamacare...

Instead of "Obamacare", Here is something more reasonable.  Americans earn different salaries and wages.
Some Americans are on Social Security and other programs.  When it comes to health care and medical cost in general, as a rule the IRS does not allow you to take deductions in medical cost unless your expenses are more than 7% of your income.   Here is the suggestion, (A) A flat income tax rate (SSI, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance,Federal and State income tax) not to exceed 15% of your taxable income period.
The most you will have to pay in any given year for all medical cost is not to exceed 7% of your post tax income for all of your care, medical, dental, chiropractic etc.  Whwethe you are single or a single parent of a family.  This still hurts if you earn the average income of $7,25 per hour for 30 hours a week or about $10,000 per year.
Where this plan balances out is if you earn $100,000 per year your anticipated wage earner taxes other than sales is to be about $15,000 per year and your health cost isn't expected to exceed $7,000 per year  Of course you still pay sales taxes as well..  This makes since to any other alternative.
Will this dislocate IRS workers, NO, but the earn a more moderate income.  

Friday, July 26, 2013

Tom Zellinger

You know what makes me so angry I just want to scream ENOUGH ALREADY!!
Seriously this Zellinger fellow defended himself against a tatoo covered 17 year old thug.  The thug lost.  Enough already with the STUPID anti-Zellinger demonstrations.  If he were killed I doubt anyone would be demonstrating anything except HIS FAMILY grieving for him.  Seriously, the was being whipped on by a thug, not a 10 year old choir boy.  Black America get over it already.  The thug was canvasing a neighborhood with a block watch program in place.  He was looking for stuff to steal.  So he goes to whippin on the "neighborhood watch Captain",  I am so glad the THUG lost the confrontation.  Black America if you want to demonstrate anything, demonstrate how fathers can better teach their children how to make good decisions that help and empower others.  Not how to be disrespectful to persons working to protect their neighbors.

If I spelled the names wrong I'll get them right later.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Morning Star

Lucifer's rebellion is a story.  Seriously an Arch-Angel being stupid does not fit the profile.  What if this whole Satan cast out of Heaven thing was actually an opportunity for Lucifer "The Morning Star" being given the opportunity to be of greatest service by being Our Fathers "go-to" guy to help redeem mankind. This one bible passage says something about "How art thou fallen oh Son of the Morning."  Later some person says is this the man that caused kingdoms to fall?

Yeshua had to offered as a sacrifice to establish a new covenant.  One that allows "Adam" to come again to the Fathers Courts.  Jehovah had this big production going on with this whole "Redeeming grace" thing.

I get that Yeshua the incarnate Word of Jehovah Paid a visit to Satan to retrieve the keys of Hell.  Otherwise these entities would all come up out of the ground and drag us down to their realm.  What would be the fun in this.

Somewhere between Heaven and Hell there is this place called Earth.  Our blue planet was created to sustain life.  Mankind is like a part of oue Earth in that we currently have nowhere else to go.

Going back to this Morning Star, Bright Morning Star, and Daystar there is this recorded history about "Sons of God seeing that the daughters of men where fair (Pretty) they kind of got this idea to become fathers.  The "Nephilim" where of coures born and the same became great men

In his court David the King of Adams descent had some mighty men.  I am talking about warriors that literally killed 100's of people.  That is a lot of fighting to survive.  They chose to follow David the Anointed king of Israel who would father Solomon.  This prophet Jeremiah had a lot to say about this stuff.  Getting back to my discourse, it is through the lineage of Solomon that this great leader will be succored probably in our time, or maybe not.  I think that Satan, Lucifer, the snake in Genesis who becomes a mighty Dragon in revelations is playing a very big part in putting people in the Church Pews.

Jesus (Yeshua) the literal "Incarnate Word of God" is playing a big part in the redemption of fallen man.  Even Lucifer "The Light Bringer" (I kind of think of the angel that oversaw the placement of solar bodies.) Is also playing a big part in this whole experiment called humanity. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

looking good naked and arthritis

Arthritis, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis as well as others.  Arthritis is inflammatory  response.  Since it is an inflammatory response we can address arthritis with foods that help your body deal with arthritis better.  Like all things "looking god naked" exercise plays a vital part in dealing with this disease.  Now my all important disclaimer,  " I am not a doctor" this advice is from my learning to deal with arthritis since my parent has it.  This means I am susceptible.  Not uninformed.

Anyways movement is what exercise is.  If you are dealing with arthritis (an inflammatory response) you do not want to hurt your joints.  My exercises of choice are Tai-Chi and gentle Yoga.  Tai-Chi is about moving energy and is a gentle form of exercise.  If your just getting signs of arthritis keep moving since right now pain is not an issue.  I pick yoga since flexibility and the mind to muscle connection are involved to make you present in this time.  As we advance more can be done to keep our mind and body healthy.  Me I am a bodybuilding enthusiast.  Since I am in my 50's flexibility is now an issue.  So I'll keep training and take my own advice and bring into play yoga and soon Tai-Chi.

Now lets talk nutrition.  Some of this information comes from Livestrong and the American Arthritis Foundation

Some people practice a low fat diet.  All fats are not the same.  If your just reading the nutrition label for fat content your 1/2 way there.  The next item to look at is types of fat. Polyunsaturates and Omega 3,6,and 9 are okay.  Your body does need fats to function.  When dealing with arthritis you also need a better balance between Omega 3's which are found in eggs and cold water fish and omega 6's which are found in avocado and some nuts.  Then there are omega 9's which are found in some oils such as canola.

The right fats are important as well as a mix of foods with "sulforaphanes".  These are compounds found in garlic, onions, and leeks. Which help with reducing inflammation.

I trust this information is helpful.  Also visit for mre about our environment today.  I am an environmentalist and with your help we can build Concept E-3 into the worlds largest and most proactive environmental association dedicated to environmental clean-up and RESTORATION.

We only have one Earth,  Join me today.   Steven Childs

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I recently read that the Supreme Court has a decision to make.  "Should you be able to patent the Human Genome?"

The answer is NO, NO, NO,NO!!!

On the other hand though you should be able to patent medicines that treat genetic problems just not the Genome itself. As a arm chair farmer I am No fan of Monsanto Seed company.  They sell genetically modified seed and if you keep your seeds to replant they send gangster like creeps after you.  Since you must always buy "New Seed's" from them and even when necessary the enzyme that unlocks the seeds dormant growth potential.

I don't like this at all.  Still the Human Genome and parts thereof need to remain public domain so that research can continue without paying someone else (Not You or I) exorbitant fees.

What I want to see is a more affordable way to restock our marine fisheries with cloned fish..

Monday, April 1, 2013

Somethin for our pets

Dr. Frankel of "Vetrinary Specialty and Emergency Center" gets credit for this.
I have shortened this list but if you have a question, call your vet.

The following foods and food stuffs are not good for our pets health.  Dogs and Cats.

1) Chocolate and Caffeine

2) Grapes, raisins, currants

3) Lily plants are not good for cats.

4) 'Xylitol' found as a sweetner in some chewing gums.

5) Some dogs don't do macadamia nuts too well.

6) Jerky treats made in China. The same folks that put glycol in their toothpaste.

7) Beer hops.  I didn't say beer just the 'hops'. 

8) Don't give doggie meds to cats. 

9) Anti-freeze smells good and taste sweet but definitley a no-no. (glycol is an ingredient)

Now this is my advertisement:

I know a lot of people love their furry friends (some are hair less)  What I recommend is install a
pet waste digester in your back yard.  I do these for $165.00  The digester itself is usually about $60.
Then you also get your microbes.  The real work though is the hole you have to dig to install these pet waste digester units.  Takes me about 3 hours to dig.  Follow manufacturer recommendations.
You can call me at 443-750-5263
Throwing away untreated animal waste in a trash can is not a good idea. Especially with single bag recycling.  Of course at the dog parks around the city this waste is handled differently.

This is not about pets.  Our babies are fine using cotton diapers instead of disposable ones.
There is the business of rinsing out messy diapers but that is what gloves and soap are for.  Seriously cotton diapers can be competitive with  and probably cheaper than  disposable diapers in the very first year.           Thats all for this entry.  Visit  For more great info. 

Jami's family time recipe '+'

Welcome to Spring.Jami Appenzeller of Philly Fit magazine said I can share this with you.
If we put away the cell phone and get together with the family here are some things to do!

1) Grab an apron and get cooking!  Yep that is right. Everybody helps, everybody gets to make some messes, everybody gets to eat, and everybody gets to clean up to.  Washing dishes can be fun.

My suggestions: Nacho NIght! Not very messey but easy, fun and flavorful too.
Nacho chips, Jalapeno rings, nacho cheese sauce, Something like "Pace" and add some ground turkey to get some extra protein.  And for more fun Guacamole for everyone.

Taco Night really takes lots of dishes but soo good.  This is what My Step Dad would do,
Ground beef, refried beans, shredded cheese, chop some onions (Their own bowl) and some tomatoes, get some potatoes and make home fries (I recommend diceing or making small chunks and deep frying these potatoes) The goal is to eat lots of tacos including soft and crunchy ones.)
This makes some of the best leftovers too good for practically anything even omelettes.

2) Go to the libray (that place with books!) and explore.

3) This is my step dads idea.  The family gripe night.  This is when everyone vents their frustrations such as sis takin toooo long in the bathroom.  Mom and dad are the referees.

Jami's take is to bring an object to the kitchen table.  Let everyone say what they like or don't like about the object too.  Make suggestions for improvements if any.  (Here the 3rd sweater you got for Christmas isn't off limits).

4)  This one gets my seal of approval too!  Camp and cookout outside in the back yard.  Make some Smores, tell ghost stories and more.  Leave the social networking tools in the house.  This is always fun.

5) Break out the vintage work out videos,  What is more fun dress like the participants in the video.a
 So don't be afraid to do some "Sweatin with the oldies stuff either". 

For more visit

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

About North Korea

Quick history lesson.  Back in 1941 The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.  The reason is they wanted America to get involved in WW2.  This was because Germany was doing a lot.  Woodrow Wilson would not have given the order to nuke Japan except that He would have to answer to American families why he didn't use the weapon that would bring an end to the war.

All along China has been supplying North Korea with refined Plutonium from aome of their many nuclear power plants.  This material as well as the technology is being shipped through an underground netrwork of tunnels.  North Korea will probably use submarines to launch a nuclear strike (more than one at one time) to hit us where it hurts on the west coast.  Of course using  MIRV'S more than one target can be hit at one time.  ICBM have range in the 1000's of miles. 

If this were to happen then USA would have to retaliate.  This will give China an excusae to defend her allies and herself.  Not China's fault just necessarry retaliations. 

Japan is the closest  country that could take on North Korea but again China stands in the way.  China also needs more land and the closest and least populated land mass belongs to MOTHER RUSSIA.

Historically the Mongolians have been buddies with Russia since Mongolia is Chinese and is a border land.

If war is declared and China has to defend herself I feel it is likely that part of Russia will become a will share the same relationship that USA has with Puerto Rico.

This could happen and makes a lot of sense.  With Global warming in place and Siberian Tundra melting away theire is an opportunity to harvest tons of Methane.  Then  Russia will also become friendlier toward growing food and bio fuels crops. 

Share this link with the Whitehouse if you feel it validates further study.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Our Global Village

I have realized as well as 1,000,000,s of other people that we Really do live in a Global Village.
I know too that we need a new paradigm shift to make this work out.  For many years our world econcomy has been all about "What's in it for me?"  This old way of thinking has to go out the door.  As an industrial world we have gotten so-o-o good at making so many widgits with so few people that all of the people were fired who used to make our wigits.  Now the warehouse is bursting with commodities.  The problem is there are a lot of people who cant get a bite of food to eat since they can't buy it.  This is ridicoulous.  Homo Sapiens never made the land we sell.  Seeds never charge us money to grow and reproduce.  The Earth does not charg us money to use her to grow our crops and feed our cattle.  Why keep starving people since they do not have money or opportunity to excell in life let alone business.  The word "Oppression means that forces outside of your immediate control are bearing down on you stifling your creativity as well as your ability to feed your families.  I am fortunate to be in America yet I see so many of my brothers and sisters going without and living on the streets.  This the lot for many Humans worldwide.  Let me help you out here Tell the United Nations about this blog at gateway ministries as well as 

Start with shifting from emphasis from just growing grain and cutting down trees to feed our 'livestock'. Give some food to the neighbore.  Lets replant some 'forest' to give our Earth back her lungs to provide air and moisture for us.  Lets pull the carbon out of the oceans and quit killing our 'Reefs' with carbonic acid. 

The thing is these are solutions as well as learning 'drip irrigation' from Israel.  Instead of killing each other to make a few people richer with things like 'Blood Diamonds'.  And drug cartels and lets redistribute some of our planets food stocks to the 'broke and hungry'  as well as the hungry and poor.  Lets go away from the 'scarcity mindset' and realize that helping each other in the "Family of Man" is essential for our survival.  That there is more than enough to share.  I know its seems difficult but this is an illusion.

Here in the USA 20% of our population controls 80% of our Nations wealth.  Let me make a decimal place here.  Globally 2 people are living a life of luxury and indulgence sharing 8 pennies.  Yet they say why punish us go to the 8 persons struggling to live on 2 pennies to pay off all of our countries debt.  Knowing full well that 8 people fighting over 2 pennies are having a difficult time surviving.  It is only the 2 people with 8 pennies that can pay off the debts of nations.  THIS ACTUALLY IS A GLOBAL TRUTH.

So lets start sharing with and working with our brothers and sisters in our "Global Village".  Lets try sharing and Debt Forgiveness on a global scale.  Replant our forest  and use other lands for farms.  Then we can more easily work with things like 'birth rates' and the plight of 'growing' desertification.
Not to mention fresh water access and conservation.  In 1950's world population was maybe 2,000,000,000  today we have 7,500,000,000 souls and growing and fully 2,500,000,000 do not have equal access to food stuffs and fresh water.  Yet all of us want good work to do.  We want to feed our families.  We generate waste, use resources.  This is not a problem this is the way life is.