Monday, October 21, 2013

Staying motivated," Looking Good Naked"

Part of staying motivated is doing things like taking these progress photo's.  This is since pictures do not lie.
Also important is like writing down the exercises you do.
It does not hurt to have a cheering section.  
I have been doing this exercise stuff for a long time.  Currently my weight is 287#+.
Oh yes I am completely natural and drug free as in anabolic steroids are illegal and cost way to much.
There is always the problem of contamination.  I wish anabolics were legal, then the sports nutrition companies would make a better product.

What encourages me is seeing results.  This is why some time ago I said throw away your scales
and make your mirror your best friend.  Add to that your cell phone or other digital camera.
If your new to these blog post great, this means you want to get in better shape.
About our bodies, if you can move it you can train it.  One of the most inspirational women I ever met lived in Austin, Texas.  In 1993 I was there too.  I knocked on this door while looking for odd jobs to do.
The Caucasian women that answered the door was missing her entire left arm.  She looked phenomenal.
I am talking a well toned strong and sexy female maybe in her 40's.
So looking good naked is not about excuses, "Looking Good Naked" is about achieving results.  Best of all no one needs to know but you unless you want to share your insights and enthusiasm. 
Then be bold.  So if you are new to this series of blog entries, buy yourself a notebook and a pen and get started with your transformation too.  I am here to pat you on the back and encourage you.
Let this year and 2014 be your time to "look Good Naked".

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ji what?

I play with the term Jihad a lot.  To me Jihad is an unholy war or alliance for the purpose of creating fear, mistrust, tension.  There are sexual Jihads and military Jihads.  There are people blowing themselves up for their respected  Jihad leaders.   For suicidal bombings I would say YOU FIRST. Since the leaders never blow themselves up, who is lying to who?  Paradise is relative to the part of the world you are from, what we have been taught as children and what we later learn as adults.  My Idea of 'Paradise is not 72 virgins for sexual pleasure.  #1 You would be way to tired to enjoy 72 virgins.  Maybe 2 or 3 and how could they (male or female) be virgins unless no one else wanted to be with them? (This makes me shutter.)

Then again Valhalla offers some rampant gluttony as well as sexual pleasure.  But what about your views, what is your idea of 'paradise'?  

Mine would be different so would a Native Americans view of Paradise as a place to go after we die physically.

I remember a Satanist Priest telling me that heaven would be like church all of the time.  I did not buy.  Neither do I buy the part about being with loved ones as we remembered them.  For one Flesh has no place in the realm of Spirit.  2) I read that we would be changed that this 'corruptible flesh' must put on uncorruptibility .  So this per chance does not have Your pet Skippy running up to meet you either.

So what.  When I die the life in me leaves and bacteria take over and life starts anew.  There is so much talk about "The Other Side".  The other side must be a place where our memories dwell.  

Personally I think when I die that eventually I will again be with our Father in Heaven. Maybe the 'second death' talked about is the loss of the illusion of independence.

Tales from Darkseide, Chips up your butt!

For years I have enjoyed my illusion of freedom here in the USA. Guess what I run into this story that that an RFID chip in the fatty tissue of the buttocks may become a staple.  Especially if your on welfare, get food stamps or are erstwhile supported in part by the Fed. (Social Security, SSI, SSDI).  Of course if you are required to get a chip in your 'arse' .  How much closer can our government get.  There goes anonymity.
Now you won't be able to go to Disneyland without somebody tracking your every move.  I for on do not want this to happen.  Then again I never wanted the "Patriot Act", "Homeland Security", or the $20"+"  I pay every month on my $70 phone bill for stuff like line use taxes.

I am not going to run with that end time prophecy about receiving the "Mark of The Beast".  Lets just say with this chip in your arse, The technology is being 'Beta Tested".