Quick history lesson. Back in 1941 The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. The reason is they wanted America to get involved in WW2. This was because Germany was doing a lot. Woodrow Wilson would not have given the order to nuke Japan except that He would have to answer to American families why he didn't use the weapon that would bring an end to the war.
All along China has been supplying North Korea with refined Plutonium from aome of their many nuclear power plants. This material as well as the technology is being shipped through an underground netrwork of tunnels. North Korea will probably use submarines to launch a nuclear strike (more than one at one time) to hit us where it hurts on the west coast. Of course using MIRV'S more than one target can be hit at one time. ICBM have range in the 1000's of miles.
If this were to happen then USA would have to retaliate. This will give China an excusae to defend her allies and herself. Not China's fault just necessarry retaliations.
Japan is the closest country that could take on North Korea but again China stands in the way. China also needs more land and the closest and least populated land mass belongs to MOTHER RUSSIA.
Historically the Mongolians have been buddies with Russia since Mongolia is Chinese and is a border land.
If war is declared and China has to defend herself I feel it is likely that part of Russia will become a will share the same relationship that USA has with Puerto Rico.
This could happen and makes a lot of sense. With Global warming in place and Siberian Tundra melting away theire is an opportunity to harvest tons of Methane. Then Russia will also become friendlier toward growing food and bio fuels crops.
Share this link with the Whitehouse if you feel it validates further study.