Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Instead of Obamacare...

Instead of "Obamacare", Here is something more reasonable.  Americans earn different salaries and wages.
Some Americans are on Social Security and other programs.  When it comes to health care and medical cost in general, as a rule the IRS does not allow you to take deductions in medical cost unless your expenses are more than 7% of your income.   Here is the suggestion, (A) A flat income tax rate (SSI, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance,Federal and State income tax) not to exceed 15% of your taxable income period.
The most you will have to pay in any given year for all medical cost is not to exceed 7% of your post tax income for all of your care, medical, dental, chiropractic etc.  Whwethe you are single or a single parent of a family.  This still hurts if you earn the average income of $7,25 per hour for 30 hours a week or about $10,000 per year.
Where this plan balances out is if you earn $100,000 per year your anticipated wage earner taxes other than sales is to be about $15,000 per year and your health cost isn't expected to exceed $7,000 per year  Of course you still pay sales taxes as well..  This makes since to any other alternative.
Will this dislocate IRS workers, NO, but the earn a more moderate income.  

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