At this point I am somewhere around 302#. My friend at the bottom is 178#. The thing is I want to compete in an upcoming bodybuilding show. About May of 2016. My friend we can call him 'J' may do the same. To come in competition ready 'J' is intent on adding about 20 pounds. Myself I would love to maintain my weight but a lot of extra fat isn't good for utilizing Testosterone Cholesterol. By the way in my 50's now my body keeps making changes. Due to consistent and intense bodybuilding protocal , I use my test levels are okay. Otherwise I would be a 300# Jelly Roll.
So What we are doing here is looking at IF or intermittment Fasting ways of eating. Two common elements in this type of strategy are low or 'NO' calorie time periods, followed by periods of caloric consumption. What I find appealing about this plan is that instead of eating all ofthe time, I mayeat less often so I do not stress over missing meals.
these lower picture are myself at 284# The top most pictures are myself a 302#. With this 'IF' plan the goal is to keep the muscle and lose the fat in about 16 weeks. 16 weeks is a long time to safely experiment with these protocols and tune the one that works bestfor myself. 'J'is a training partner of mine. Our ages and body types are different. Lets see what works. By the way I hope you are getting as much good out of this series, as I am sharing with you. I am cheering for you too.
Both you and I desire to look our best. a word about my current dietary practice. I am not exact but I think for the last year or so I have adopted a highfat, high protein and moderate carbohydrate diet. Something like 35% fats, 30% proteins, and 35% carbohydrates. Being older (50's) frequency of exercise is more important than how much weight I lift.
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